Our Church Staff


Rev. Kayla Keilholtz

Phone #: (276)783-3241

Email: pastorkaylakeilholtz@outlook.com

Welcome I am Pastor Kayla Keilholtz! I grew up in Rural Retreat before attending seminary in Gettysburg, PA. I have been back in VA since 2020 and am privileged to be the pastor of Ebenezer. My husband and I live in Marion with our rescue pets, our cats, Felix and Fiona, and our dogs, Ember and Eddie. I am passionate about the Gospel and how it relates to the world around us, specifically in areas of social justice. We are called not to judge our neighbors but to love and care for our neighbors as a community. Community is so important to our well-being because we were created by a God who loves community. And that is the goal of Ebenezer, to be a community where all feel welcomed and valued. Part of my caring for this community is that I do weddings and funerals for non-members of Ebenezer. I am pro-LGBTQIA+ and am active in the group Appalachian Community Connectors (ACC), a group that seeks to find productive ways to have hard conversations and who work to be of support to the marginalized in our community. I am always looking for ways to help our community and new ways of doing worship.

I love talking to people and being out in the community which is why on most Monday mornings from 9am-11am you can find me at Starbucks for my coffee shop hours. I am there to be an available presence for anyone who is in need of prayers or just a chat. If you have questions about Ebenezer, are in need of prayers, or would like to set up a meeting with me call the church office or email me directly at pastorkaylakeilholtz@outlook.com.

Administrative Assistant:

Skyler Weber

Phone #: (276)783-3241

Email: ebenezerlutheran@gmail.com


Annette Greer

Chancel Choir Director:

Larry Hutton


Kim Slemp

Handbell Choir Director:

Heather Repass